Find the answers to our most frequently asked questions here.
Reach out if you need more details!.
Cheers to Happy Dogs!
We are so excited to have you visit!
Create a profile in Gingr, our pet portal.
Upload your dogs vaccine records.
Bring your dog to come check us out.
Your dog must have up to date vaccines; Distemper, Bordetella, Rabies
Be 3 months or older and be spayed or neutered by 12 months.
Dogs must be friendly to people and other dogs.
All dogs should be with their current owner for 30 days prior to visiting IPA
IPA was created for you and your dog to enjoy together. So we do require you to stay with your dog at all times.
Yes, the membership is for your dog. Although you are responsible for your dogs behavior.
We have toy time with plenty of toys, so need to bring your own.
As a dog park bar, we can only have visitors over 21.
You can get a membership for 1 or more dogs, but you are only allowed 2 dogs per person on site. If you have more than 2 dogs a partner or friend must accompany you.
Yes, unlike traditional dog parks we have turf that stays clean, safe and fun
despite the weather. So there's no mud. We also have heaters to keep you warm while your dogs
are playing and towels to dry them if they get wet.
Undesired behavior can be described as the following; jumping, mounting and excessive barking and overly rough play and bullying. To keep the park enjoyable for everyone we use several methods to redirect the unwanted behavior. Verbal commands, separation from play mates, time outs and/or removal from the park.
These are not punishments but ways of correcting behavior to keep it safe and fun for everyone.
If the unwanted behaviors continue we may require you and your dog to complete a dog training course.
Our on-leash area is perfect for that. We will have cots that indicate “In Training or I like my space”
Our park supervisors are there to assist in any situation and will have minor first-aid items on hand.
Ultimately we want to redirect behavior before an injury can happen.